The benefits of incorporating a Singapore company are numerous.
Singapore is a top-notch financial hub with the availability of affordable funding, ease of doing business, robust IP protection and legal system. The island nation also boasts excellent connectivity and strategic location among the world’s leading emerging markets. Singapore is also an attractive location for global businesses to access the markets of China, India, Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia.
But arguably, the most important attraction for Singapore-based companies is the nation’s territorial tax system; this means that tax is applicable to all income accrued in or derived from Singapore and all foreign-sourced income remitted to the island, with certain qualifying exemptions (dividends, branch profits, service income).
Moreover, there are neither any capital gains tax in Singapore nor capital duty, capital acquisitions tax, inheritance or estate tax, or even net worth/wealth tax in the city-state.
Even better, advance rulings on taxation are possible as well.
In Singapore, the city-state does not have any notable restrictions on foreign exchange transactions and capital movements. As a result, funds can be freely transferred into or out of the country. Though the government has introduced some restrictions on the lending of local currency to non-resident financial organizations, said restrictions would not be applied to loaning Singapore dollars to individuals and non-financial organizations (this includes corporate treasury centres).
To help your business navigate these attractive tax benefits, make use of our services on corporate taxation.
Here is a brief snapshot of the Singapore corporate taxation scene:
Take advantage of Singapore's attractive tax system
Our professional taxation specialists will work closely with you to reduce your tax liabilities and maximise tax savings.